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To raise awareness among scientific authors in Germany of the importance of choosing the right licence for Open Access publications, the DEAL consortium is launching an information campaign.
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In a new publication, the German-wide DEAL consortium presents the key achievements of its first contract phase with the publishers Wiley and Springer Nature. The newly published infographic brochure provides a comprehensive insight into the background, objectives and results of the DEAL initiative.
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A DEAL Practice webinar on 25 June focused on the use of Creative Commons (CC) licences in the context of DEAL agreements. Dr Till Kreutzer, an expert in copyright and open access, provided insights into the implications and challenges of CC licenses choice. |
Dr. Till Kreutzer |
Key points:
Introduction to CC licences:
CC licences allow the use, distribution and adaptation of copyrighted works under certain conditions and offer a flexible alternative to traditional copyright.
Importance for Open Access:
CC licences are essential for Open Access, allowing free access to scientific information while respecting copyright restrictions.
CC BY is consistent with the Berlin Declaration on Open Access, which promotes free and open access to scientific knowledge.
Types of CC licences:
Permissive licences (e.g. CC BY): Allow extensive use with attribution.
Restrictive licences (e.g. CC BY-NC, CC BY-NC-ND): Restrict commercial use and derivative works.
Challenges with NC licences in the DEAL context:
Licenses with a non-commercial (NC) suffix can hinder the dissemination and development of scientific works due to unclear definitions of commercial use.
In DEAL agreements, NC licences often require authors to transfer rights of use back to publishers, making it difficult to achieve Open Access goals.
Publisher practices:
Springer Nature: Generally uses CC BY for OA publications.
Elsevier and Wiley: Offer more restrictive options such as NC or NC-ND.
Authors choosing NC licences have to transfer rights of use to publishers, undermining Open Access principles.
Change licences:
Authors can request to change their chosen licences after publication:
Wiley: Allows changes until the early view version is published.
Elsevier: Allows changes at any time, providing more flexibility.
Repository and platform issues:
Storing publications under NC licences in repositories can be problematic if the repository is commercial.
Legal uncertainties regarding dissemination on platforms such as ResearchGate increase complexity and work against the principle of openness.
Authors are encouraged to choose more permissive licences such as CC BY to avoid unnecessary restrictions and ensure wider dissemination and reuse of their work.
Institutions can support authors by informing them about the possibility of switching licences and encouraging the adoption of CC BY licences.
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MPDL Services is pleased to announce further milestones for the DEAL consortium. The required participation rates for the continuation of the new main contracts with Springer Nature and Wiley have not only been met but exceeded through binding participation agreements.
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We are pleased to announce that the DEAL Elsevier agreement, which has been in place since 1 September 2023, is now officially in force. The required level of participation has not only been achieved, but exceeded expectations.
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Gemeinsam mit Mitgliedern der DEAL-Gruppe stellte die MPDL Services am 7. und 14. Dezember den Einrichtungen des DEAL-Konsortiums in zwei praxisnahen Webinaren die neuen Verträge mit Wiley und Springer Nature ab 2024 vor.
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On behalf of the DEAL Consortium, the German Rectors' Conference (Hochschulrektorenkonferenz - HRK) and the publisher Springer Nature announced in a press release today that a new 5-year contract has been signed.
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On behalf of the DEAL Consortium, the German Rectors' Conference (Hochschulrektorenkonferenz - HRK) and the publisher Wiley announced in a press release today that DEAL and Wiley have signed a new 5-year contract.
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Springer Nature announced in a press release today that the publisher and the DEAL Consortium are close to finalising a 5-year contract starting in 2024.
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- 06. November, 10 Uhr
Das Teilnahmeverfahren ist angelaufen, erste Einrichtungen nutzen bereits die umfangreichen Leserechte und ermöglichen ihren Wissenschaftler*innen das Open Access Publizieren bei Elsevier.
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Publisher Wiley announced today in a press release that Wiley and the DEAL consortium have successfully concluded negotiations for a new 5-year contract starting in 2024.
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DEAL Praxis-Webinare Elsevier-Vertrag
Am 14. und 20. September wurde im Rahmen von zwei Webinaren der neue DEAL-Elsevier-Vertrag vorgestellt.
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The DEAL Consortium is delighted to announce a transformative Open Access agreement with the global publisher Elsevier.
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Die ersten DEAL-Vertragsphasen enden: Wo stehen wir und wie geht es weiter?
Über 180 Teilnehmer*innen aus Universitäten, Forschungseinrichtungen und Hochschulen für angewandte Wissenschaften besuchten das Praxis-Webinar, um einen Überblick über vergangene, aktuelle und zukünftige DEAL-Entwicklungen zu erhalten.
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Über 200 Teilnehmer*innen besuchten am 29.03.23 unser Webinar zu verschiedenen Themen rund um das Management der DEAL-Verträge.
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Die ESAC-Initiative– Bibliotheken und Konsortien gestalten Open Access-Transformation
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MPDL Services has published the consolidated article lists for the publication year 2021.