In fulfilment of the Projekt DEAL-Wiley contractual obligations, a group of representative members of the German research landscape were invited to be part of a dedicated DEAL Advisory Board to oversee its successful implementation, provide guidance and ensure transparency for a variety of stakeholder groups.
In the first two meetings of the Advisory Board, members Prof. Dr. Sören Auer, Director, Head of research group Data Science and Digital Libraries (German National Library of Science and Technology); Prof. Dr. Wolfram Koch, Executive Director (German Chemical Society); Dr. Lars Kristiansen, Executive Director (International Brain Research Organization); Prof. Dr. med. Beate A. Schücking, Rector (University of Leipzig); and Günter Waibel, Associate Vice Provost & Executive Director (California Digital Library) gave highly favorable assessments, finding the ambitious goals of the DEAL agreement had been widely met and encouraging Project DEAL and Wiley to continue in their partnership. The minutes of the Advisory Board meetings are available here.
Providing more detail into the positive impact that implementation of the agreement has had in fulfilling DEAL’s objectives, Wiley, in collaboration with MPDL Services gGmbH, has analyzed key data points and benchmarks that have been published in the form of white paper “Monitoring the transition to open access: the 2019-2020 Projekt DEAL–Wiley transformative agreement report”. The report is available on Wiley’s website.